Poverty and Homelessness In the United States

Poverty: A social problem that affects people of low income and who are minorities. It has an effect on the education system as schools that are less funded than others are at a disadvantage when it comes to education. It creates an educational inequality and leads to further disparity in social classes.

Social programs: Some Social programs that can help people in poverty are WIC, Food Stamp, Section 8, Obamacare, Welfare, and etc. These programs give people that are in a lower class a boost in their financial level.


There are tax deductible charity donations that are already in effect, but creating other incentives for people to donate money to social programs that help impoverished people. Increasing the minimum wage gap and decreasing the corporate tax rate on companies, this would effectively make people able to afford the cost of living and corporations can afford to pay them the excess money. Some ways that people can help out the problem is by creating a group that march towards the higher authority and showing them some ideas to deal with the problem.

Actionable Information:

Donate to organizations dedicated to helping people in poverty

Make Fundraisers

Vote on laws that allow people in poverty to escape that situation with less difficulty

Homelessness: is defined as dwelling in housing that is under the minimal general or lacks impenetrable tenure. People can be categorized as homeless if they are: living on the streets; shifting between transient shelters, which include houses of friends, household and emergency accommodation; dwelling in private boarding homes except a personal loo and/or security of tenure. The legal definition of homeless varies from u . s . to country, or among one-of-a-kind jurisdictions in the identical USA or region.

Social Programs:

Basic Center Program (Administration for Children and Families) The Basic center program helps runaway youth that are under 18

Transitional Living Program for Older Homeless Youth (Administration for Children and Families) This program is about assists homeless youth and young adults to learn necessary skills to live independently

Street Outreach Program (Administration for Children and Families) The Street Outreach Program providing food, shelter and other benefits and services to the homeless people


Ask property owners to help.

Rezone the southern half of the city for rooming houses.

Build as much temporary homeless housing as possible between now and 2025.

Establish a city housing authority to identify, manage, acquire and possibly even develop rental housing at and below market rates.

providing food, shelter and other benefits and services to the homeless people

Actionable Information:

Volunteer at shelters, specifically positions that allow you to bring homeless people to the shelter.

Volunteer at soup kitchens, that way you can help make food for families that can not afford food that week

Donate canned goods

Give money to homeless people that you see on the street

Volunteer at the campus food bank


Ullucci, Kerri, and Tyrone Howard. “Pathologizing the poor: Implications for preparing teachers to work in high-poverty schools.” Urban Education 50.2 (2015): 170-193.UNDERWOOD, JULIE. “Expanded Support for Homeless Students.” The Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 98, no. 3, 2016, pp. 76–77., www.jstor.org/stable/24893584.

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